Bank House Press
We like books - image of letterpress block

Bank House Press - a small company with big plans.

Initially, we envisaged a very simple system that would enable us to put work online in the quickest and easiest way possible, but once we started working on 'the big plan' and mentioned it to others, a strange thing happened.

Various colleagues and friends from almost every sphere of our lives have been contacting us to find out when we’ll be 'going live' and how soon we'll be accepting manuscripts from others.

There are high-flown academic works and how-to books among them as well as fiction from almost every genre. Some are authors who have tried to interest main-stream publishers, without success, others have been published only to have their work abandoned to the further reaches of cyberspace.

So, what was intended as a vehicle for publishing a very narrow spectrum of genres, looks as if it might end up being far bigger than we expected.

First things first, though, we're setting up a system that will provide for the smooth preparation of manuscripts for publication online as e-books, starting with a series of Medical Romances by author Josie Metcalfe.

Writer at work on laptop and with note pad and pen to hand